artists Cecilia Charlton
Cecilia Charlton
Through manipulations of geometric pattern
and colour, Cecilia Charlton's practice achieve
an optically challenging and playful approach,
questioning the hierarchy between painting
and textiles.
and colour, Cecilia Charlton's practice achieve
an optically challenging and playful approach,
questioning the hierarchy between painting
and textiles.
Through manipulations of geometric pattern and colour, Cecilia Charlton's practice achieve an optically challenging and playful approach, questioning the hierarchy between painting and textiles.
London-based American artist Cecilia Charlton creates hand-sewn embroideries and murals inspired by her textile practice.
Her work engages with the formal histories of abstraction to explore a broad range of themes, including the cosmos, memory, and current events.
Her work engages with the formal histories of abstraction to explore a broad range of themes, including the cosmos, memory, and current events.
Through manipulations of geometric patterns and colour, her artworks achieve an optically challenging and playful approach, questioning the hierarchy between painting and textiles.
On behalf of the London School of Economic and Political Sciences, Artiq commissioned Cecilia for three large-scale tapestries.
On behalf of the London School of Economic and Political Sciences, Artiq commissioned Cecilia for three large-scale tapestries.
The work explores how different systems influence each other; consisting of three different patterns, she used the technology of the loom to allow the patterns to influence each other throughout the weaving process, relating this to different economic systems, how they affect each other, and consequently structure our world.
1:53 Cecilia reads from Virginia Postrel's book The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World.
1:53 Cecilia reads from Virginia Postrel's book The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World.