artists Jyoti Bharwani
Jyoti Bharwani

Jyoti Bharwani creates work that draws
attention to the vital materiality present in
reality, which we have little control over
but are wholly part of.
attention to the vital materiality present in
reality, which we have little control over
but are wholly part of.
Jyoti Bharwani creates work that draws attention to the vital materiality present in reality, which we have little control over but are wholly part of.

Born and educated in the Channel Islands with South Asian heritage, Jyoti Bharwani brings a tapestry of lived experience to her contemporary practice based in London. She holds a BA (Hons) from Central St Martins and MA Fine Art from City and Guilds London Art School.
By exploring ideas of boundaries and control, her practice investigates the inherent beauty of materials and how they can form a deep connection with us.
By exploring ideas of boundaries and control, her practice investigates the inherent beauty of materials and how they can form a deep connection with us.
Drawing on Eastern philosophies and new materialist theories that emphasise the fluid and interdependent connections between humans, materials and the planet, her creative expression is based on their holistic and cosmological worldviews, aiming to make work with a less human-centred approach.