artists Theresa Weber
Theresa Weber

Theresa Weber's work explores body extensions,
body traces and the personal archive. Her interest
in prostheses and hybrid bodies is expressed in
the use of materials such as artificial nails,
synthetic hair and silicon.
body traces and the personal archive. Her interest
in prostheses and hybrid bodies is expressed in
the use of materials such as artificial nails,
synthetic hair and silicon.
Theresa Weber's work explores body extensions, body traces and the personal archive. Her interest in prostheses and hybrid bodies is expressed in the use of materials such as artificial nails, synthetic hair and silicon.
Theresa Weber works with familiar and strange elements to create picture-like objects. Her practice revolves around ideas of body extensions, traces of one's body, and the personal archive, explored through the use of materials such as artificial nails, synthetic hair, body padding and silicon, but also textiles and jewellery; these are all things that extend the body and give it an identity.
In Theresa's work, they become organic cultural traces, disembodied remnants whose historical associations and social hierarchies are decoded on a material level. She makes conscious use of codes that can be read in multiple ways and refer to different cultures or epochs.
We had the privilege of procuring Theresa's work Ishtar on behalf of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.
We had the privilege of procuring Theresa's work Ishtar on behalf of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.