Selected Projects Renaissance Foundation
Renaissance Foundation
London, UK
A bespoke mural for a local youth charity
that tells the story of its young people.
that tells the story of its young people.
A bespoke mural for a local youth charity that tells the story of its young people.
Renaissance Foundation is a London-based youth charity bringing hope and empowering change for young people facing challenges. Driven by role models and a desire to provide bespoke personal development opportunities, the Renaissance Foundation inspire young people to reach their full potential by strengthening their resilience, developing their soft skills, and raising their ambitions.
Artiq has a special relationship with the Renaissance Foundation; our CEO, Patrick McCrae, is a Board Trustee at the charity, and as part of our business' allocated charity days, our team have, for two consecutive years, hosted creative graffiti workshops where the young people have received encouragement and guidance on how to develop their own creative ideas and translate them from an initial sketch to a large-scale public mural.
Artiq has a special relationship with the Renaissance Foundation; our CEO, Patrick McCrae, is a Board Trustee at the charity, and as part of our business' allocated charity days, our team have, for two consecutive years, hosted creative graffiti workshops where the young people have received encouragement and guidance on how to develop their own creative ideas and translate them from an initial sketch to a large-scale public mural.
When moving to their first permanent space in the crypt at St Botolph without Aldgate, the Renaissance Foundation reached out to Artiq, wanting to invite an artist to create a bespoke and permanent mural that would portray the young people and their accomplishments.
Carlos Peñalver is one of our long-standing creative collaborators, and his narrative-driven and intuitive approach to drawing was a perfect fit for this commission. Inherently curious about people and places around him, Carlos involved the young people in his process and asked them about their dreams, aspirations and experiences with the charity, going beyond simply representing them by making them co-authors of the piece.
Carlos Peñalver is one of our long-standing creative collaborators, and his narrative-driven and intuitive approach to drawing was a perfect fit for this commission. Inherently curious about people and places around him, Carlos involved the young people in his process and asked them about their dreams, aspirations and experiences with the charity, going beyond simply representing them by making them co-authors of the piece.
The result is a story in many chapters. We have unforgettable meetings with Formula 1 drivers and Nobel Peace Prize recipients and valued experiences learning how to write a compelling cover letter or record a radio show. There are dreams of going surfing and going to university. But foremost, the mural is the story of the unique community the charity fosters and the incredible individuals that make up the Renaissance Foundation - both cohorts of young people and the team behind them.
For more information on how to support the Renaissance Foundation, visit their website.
Registered Charity 1128772
For more information on how to support the Renaissance Foundation, visit their website.
Registered Charity 1128772